
Start with a template, make it your own

Get started with a collection of templates built by the community and the team at Doflow.

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Implicitly step to the next workflow step

Executes the steps of a workflow in the order that they appear in the workflow definition.

Run a batch translation using the Cloud Translation connector

Runs a batch translation using the Cloud Translation connector.

Connector for Cloud Functions

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Functions within a workflow.

Connector for Cloud SQL Admin

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud SQL Admin within a workflow.

Connector for Workflows definitions

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Workflows definitions.

Create a Compute Engine VM instance using the Compute Engine API connector

Calls the Compute Engine API connector to create a Compute Engine VM instance based on specifications collected through Google Forms.

Connector for Cloud Resource Manager

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Resource Manager within a workflow.

Connector for BigQuery Data Transfer

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access BigQuery Data Transfer within a workflow.

Connector for Secret Manager

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Secret Manager within a workflow.

Connector for Cloud Tasks

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Tasks within a workflow.

Perform a parallel step using branches

Executes parallel branches concurrently, with the steps in each branch executing sequentially.

Use an expression to assign a variable value

Uses an expression to assign the value of a variable previously defined.

Use OIDC to authenticate when making a request to Cloud Functions

Makes an HTTP request using OIDC by adding an auth section to the args section of the workflow's definition, after specifying the URL.

Define lists

Defines a few lists.

Connector for Cloud Natural Language

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Natural Language within a workflow.

Connector for Cloud Scheduler

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Scheduler within a workflow.

Stop a Compute Engine instance through an HTTP request

Makes an authenticated request within a workflow, using OAuth 2.0 to stop a Compute Engine instance.

Connector for Application Integration

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Application Integration within a workflow.

Connector for Cloud Build

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Build within a workflow.

Execute a Cloud Run job that processes event data saved in Cloud Storage

Use Workflows to execute a Cloud Run job as part of a workflow that processes event data saved in Cloud Storage.

Validate a translation request using a callback endpoint

Validates translation requests by supporting a callback endpoint that waits for HTTP requests to arrive at that endpoint, resuming the execution of the workflow at a later point in time.

Deploy a Kubernetes application using Workflows connectors

Create a GKE cluster using the Kubernetes Engine API connector, and create a Kubernetes deployment and service using the Kubernetes API connector.

Execute other workflows in parallel

Run a workflow that executes other workflows in parallel.

Perform operations in parallel using branches

Executes a workflow that has multiple and different sets of steps at the same time by placing them in parallel branches.

Demonstrate local scope of variable created inside a for loop

Demonstrates how any variable created in a loop does not exist outside of that loop.

Demonstrate variable scope in a parallel step

Demonstrates the scope of a shared variable, as well as variables that are local to their respective branch scopes.

Use an embedded switch statement to execute steps

Uses a switch structure to directly execute steps when a condition is met, without jumping to other steps.

Connector for Cloud Translation

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Translation within a workflow.

Connector for BigQuery

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access BigQuery within a workflow.

Connector for Storage Transfer Service

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Storage Transfer Service within a workflow.

Write to Firestore through an HTTP request

Makes an authenticated request within a workflow, using OAuth 2.0 to write to Firestore.

Connector for Transcoder

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Transcoder within a workflow.

Translate text using the Cloud Translation API

Makes an HTTP POST request to the Cloud Translation API to translate text from English to Russian.

Store callback details in a Firestore database

Stores callback details in a Firestore database, halts execution, and then waits for specific events to occur.

Connector for Dataflow

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Dataflow within a workflow.

Connector for Document AI

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Document AI within a workflow.

Invoke a Cloud Run workload that requires authentication

Makes an authenticated request within a workflow, using OpenID Connect (OIDC) to connect with Cloud Run.

Define a map

Defines a map (dictionary) that can hold a user-defined structure of variables or lists.

Deploy your first workflow

Passes the current day of the week as a search term to the Wikipedia API. A list of related Wikipedia articles is returned.

Make an external HTTP POST request

Makes a POST request to an external HTTP endpoint.

Connector for Batch

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Batch within a workflow.

Use a Cloud Tasks queue to buffer your workflow executions

Creates and adds a large number of tasks to the Cloud Tasks queue to execute a child workflow.

Assign variables

Assigns string and number values to variables. Variable assignments are executed sequentially.

Connector for Firestore (write)

Writes to Firestore using a Workflows connector.

Use a simple subworkflow

Implements a simple subworkflow that is defined after the main workflow definition.

Connector for Cloud Spanner

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Spanner within a workflow.

Connector for Cloud Storage

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Storage within a workflow.

Make an external HTTP GET request with headers

Makes an HTTP GET request with a custom header.

Connector for Workflows executions

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Workflows executions.

Connector for AI Platform Training and Prediction

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access VertexAI (AI Platform) within a workflow.

Explicitly step to the next workflow step

Uses the next: command to explicitly define the sequence of workflow steps and executes steps in a different order than they appear in the workflow definition.

Connector for Cloud Run

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Cloud Run within a workflow.

Connector for Compute Engine

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access Compute Engine within a workflow.

Use a Cloud Tasks queue to buffer your workflow executions

Uses a for loop in the workflow to invoke a child workflow, iteratively.

Connector for Kubernetes Engine

Workflows connector that defines the built-in function used to access a Kubernetes Engine container-based application within a workflow.

Use a basic for-range loop

Uses range-based iteration.

Use arguments in a workflow

Accesses runtime arguments passed to the workflow as part of the execution request and declared as a parameter of the main workflow.